Calcul traitable de la réparation fermée possibiliste pour les ontologies partiellement pré-ordonnées
We focus on lightweight ontologies, where the dataset (ABox) is inconsistent with respect to the terminological knowledge (TBox). Furthermore, we assume that the dataset is uncertain and obtained from multiple sources with different evaluation scales. We equip the dataset with reliability degrees ordered according to a partial order to capture incomparability. Recently, an efficient method has been proposed in the possibilistic framework for reasoning with partially preordered inconsistent ontologies. This polynomial method computes a partially preordered repair for the ABox, from the intersection of possibilistic repairs associated with all the compatible bases of the partial order. In this paper, we introduce a new method that computes a more productive repair, by considering the intersection of the deductive closure of each one of the possibilistic repairs.We show that this method is tractable thanks to a polynomial characterization that reduces the computation into answering instance checking queries.