Efficient discrete event simulation of fire spread in an operational code

ForeFire code is an API, a library and an interpreter with a "pythonesque" syntax available under the GPL open source license. Its purpose is to simulate the evolution of reactive fronts on a large domain at high resolution, ad is particularly applicable to rapid (sub-minute) simulation of large wildland fire. It leverages the capacity of discrete events systems simulation to solves fire front advance, here on a dynamic structured irregular mesh composed on fire nodes. Advection of these nodes according to the propagation velocity is carried through a constant-CFL asynchronous methodology, enabled by DEVS, and that focused on zones of high velocity. Code is designed such as it can easily be run from the command line, coupled with other codes and extended with user defined propagation and surface emission (fluxes) models. Users of the code can therefore easily extend it to use it as a numerical testbed for new models. The fire front moves upon the earth surface according to several factors such as topography, fuel and wind.